Makes about 3 cups
1 very ripe banana
2 cups frozen fruit/berries
1 cup almond milk or soymilk
Combine the ingredients in a blender. Start your blender on the lowest setting and slowly crank it up as the smoothie starts to purée, then blend for 2 minutes.
Nutrition Information
Per 1½-cup serving:
190 calories
2 g protein
46 g carbohydrate,
35 g sugar
2 g total fat
9% calories from fat
5 g fiber
79 mg sodium
Smoothie Variations
To make these variations, start with the original instructions and modify and substitute accordingly.
Mango Blueberry
1½ cups mango chunks
½ cup blueberries
Makes about 3 cups
1 very ripe banana
2 cups frozen fruit/berries
1 cup almond milk or soymilk
Combine the ingredients in a blender. Start your blender on the lowest setting and slowly crank it up as the smoothie starts to purée, then blend for 2 minutes.
Nutrition Information
Per 1½-cup serving:
190 calories
2 g protein
46 g carbohydrate,
35 g sugar
2 g total fat
9% calories from fat
5 g fiber
79 mg sodium
Smoothie Variations
To make these variations, start with the original instructions and modify and substitute accordingly.
Mango Blueberry
1½ cups mango chunks
½ cup blueberries
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